Key Principles
- Draw, Work By Hand
- Utilize Your Creative Brain
It is essential to use a sketchbook or RVJ to document all of your ideas and developmental aspects of research when working on a project. It allows you to create a process using visual imagery that expresses your feelings, thoughts, inspiration and imagination that is contained in a book.
Draw, Work By Hand
Drawing and working by hand is a crucial aspect of creating your RVJ as it allows you to engage a physical connection through drawing, rough sketches and consistent doodles; which are all a part of of your personal creative thinking. Its also a way to show your developmental process, and using visual imagery to document different types of research allows you to use other artists work and style as inspiration to develop your own artistic style.
However, documenting your ideas and progress in the RVJ is vital in the way of recording, it is also very important to be consistent in your development. Your findings must be organised in some way so the viewer understands the development as it progresses. Projects should be clearly separated and explained thoroughly.
Leonardo Da Vinci is a legendary artist, his work have inspired many to create new and interesting forms of art.The piece above is a excellent example of creative thinking on paper. His sketches are quick but decisive; full of inventions, imaginative drawings and possible speculations of designs for machinery and various interesting products. His style is entirely committed to visual recording and creating development by drawing. Drawing is a way of transferring your ideas from your complex imagination and onto paper making it understandable for the reader and hopefully allowing them to gain a better insight into your personal style and way of thinking. By sketching and jotting down any ideas and developmental work; you are able to create a way to correct any problems or queries you have in the form of visual problem solving.
Your imagination never stops, because you are always thinking, so your mind is free to explore all possibilities and not limit yourself in your creative thinking.It is important to not forget your own judgement and to stop your inner child from exploring and imagining, because there are no barriers between child's play or mark making.
Lizzie Finn
Lizzie Finn has a very unique style of art; she uses a combination of sketches and fabrics along with a variety of decorative techniques within her work. She is able to produce very interesting imaginative pieces because she can work using a wide range of materials and mediums. She also seems to be able to experiment freely and enjoy the work she is creating, it is also and excellent method of creating developmental work based on basic ideas because the combination of sketches and fabric adds a unique twist to the work; even if its the most simple design.
Utilize Your Creative Brain
Learning how to manage your imagination and understand your ideas is extremely useful because it helps with your creative development, it also benefits you time management skills and it helps with your creative process.
Our brain consists of two halves, the left and the right. Each side has special specific skills and abilities and the amazing way they function together enables us to understand what's actually going on.
Left Brain 'accountant' analyse
what is useful,? is it appropriate?
Analytical, observant, sensible, curious, enquiring, clarifying
Right Brain 'child' experimental play
play, fun, adventure, spontaneous, imaginative, carefree, experimental, innocent, curious etc.
I have inserted the images above as an example of the right and left brain, and the possible outcomes of the artistic talent of both sides.
We all can remember being a child, young and free to do whatever you wished. Everything we created was imaginative and freely expressed; when we were fully engaged with something to the point where nothing can distract us from our task; our inner child is allowed to roam free be as imaginative as possible at times where our left brain will encourage us to be cautious and more sensible about the content and presentation of our work.
The two halves of our brain function perfectly together, allowing us to think of imaginative outcomes and ideas. Being aware of which side of the brain we are operating in at each time is particularly useful because we then learn to utilize what is important, what has to be done next, and how to manage the entire project successfully. We constantly switch the sides of the brain we use at any one time; left to right, right to left, which allows us to ask ourselves questions about our work and figure out imaginative solutions to any problems we may face.
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